About EBL

We have been helping children and adults learn English since 2009.

Our Philosophy

Reading a book is the most important habit and treasure.

At English Book Ladder we help develop the habit of reading English books everyday. Through reading English books in a comfortable atmosphere you improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities.

  • Guided Reading and Level Reading programs inspire independent reading through improved reading skills.

  • Leveled learning program promises well-coordinated and structured lessons and is ideal for emerging and challenged readers.

  • Guided Reading and Level Reading promote independent reading through improved reading skills.

  • Raise literacy levels in English through motivation.

  • Gain fluency through increased word recognition and world knowledge.

  • Develop a positive attitude toward reading and conversing in English.

Our English Library

We help develop a daily habit of reading English through fun reading and events.

Our English Library lets you experience American culture and an English-speaking environment through books and various events. Because an English language book is perceived by children as 'reading a fun book' rather than studying, the vocabulary they learn stays for life. The more you read, the faster you grow, the more you understand, and then you read more because it's fun. Our English library holds over 10,000 books, and most of them are used as textbooks for public education in the United States or are found in libraries in the United States. It is not difficult learning English with the help of our native-speaking teachers. Learn the habit of reading daily in a comfortable and fun atmosphere with books appropriate for your child’s level. They can use the library alone, or they can take English lessons in classes with 4-7 students. They can also use the library free of charge by taking classes. 

Lexile Book Index

We measure accurate reading ability with the Lexile Book Index test. The Lexile Book Index is a program that measures the reading ability of Scholastic Inc. The Lexile Book Index ranges from 0 to 1900 or higher (for an English-speaking third grade elementary school student the average Lexile Book Index range is about 600 to 650). After completing the test, a child can independently choose books that fit their level without any restrictions. And all children are required to fill out a report every three months, so parents can observe the level improvement over the course of one year.

Why English Library?

Reading is changing a hobby into learning.

Learning the English language is considered one of the most important subjects, still gaining a lot of interest from parents, even though the learning methods have become more diverse and the education market bigger.

The English library is emerging as a new pattern in the English education market these days. Existing large hagwons are strengthening their libraries and making reading a regular program, and more and more places are offering franchise-type English libraries or independent operating programs. It is understood that the reason that reading is newly emerging is that most of the narrative type in school exams has increased and the implementation of the National English Proficiency Test (NEAT), which includes writing and speaking, is now common. Unlike the multiple-choice test, where you only have to prepare by memorizing textbooks to answer questions. The types of tests that requires thinking and creativity has an impact on the methods of learning the English language. A look into the English libraries, a site where reading, which was somewhat neglected as a learning method because it required a lot of time, has evolved into a modern form of learning.

English Book Ladder

English Book Ladder Director, Yun Nok-Su, said that she remebers the library she experienced while studying in the United States as a ‘fun space’. Director Yun stated “it is a pity that the reality in Korea, a library is a place for quiet reading and studying”. So, with my younger sister, Yun Hyon, we decided to create a “fun space to discover and experience American culture”. For popular American holidays, we hold events to allow people to experience authentic American culture and to motivate them to read more in the American holiday. In addition, every Friday students and teachers gather together for market day, where students can purchase various items from the United States with “English Book Ladder dollars” they earned for accomplishing reading goals during their time in the English Book Ladder library. 

These activities help motivate students to have fun while reading more. Students freely read books based on their Lexile level (as explained in Lexile Book Index section). After reading a book, the students are encourage to take a short quiz on the libraries computer system to see how much of the book’s subject matter they absorbed. Director Yun states, “It is not a quiz that asks hard questions or to see how many questions you got right or wrong, it is to help determine if the book level is too easy, too hard, or just the right level book for the student to read”.

Director Yun emphasizes, “Learning to read has methods for all levels, but most importantly it should be a method that makes it enjoyable”.

Extensive Reading vs. Intensive Reading

10 Principles of Extensive Reading

  1. The reading material is easy.

  2. A variety of reading materials on a wide range of topics must be available.

  3. Learners choose what they want to read.

  4. Learners read as much as possible.

  5. The purpose of reading is usually related to pleasure, information and general understanding.

  6. Reading is its own reward.

  7. Reading speed is usually faster than slower.

  8. Reading is individual and silent.

  9. Teachers orient and guide their students.

  10. The teacher is a role model of a reader.