Common Questions & Answers

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Common Q&A

Q: How does English Book Ladder help us learn English?

A: At English Book Ladder, we encourage our students to make personal connections. We have a number of ways of doing this. For example, aside from our core programs, we celebrate all major U.S. holidays and teach every student the when-who-what-why-and-how's of each holiday so that the student gets in the habit of connecting his or herself to stories and events that are happening outside Korea.

True absorption of anything occurs when the mind is at ease and the heart is open. At English Book Ladder, we provide a fun, non-intimidating, nurturing environment in which our students can develop authentic, life-lasting reading habits that help them succeed no matter what they are doing and no matter where they are.

Q: My child and I are very busy. Help me understand why my child or I should go to English Book Ladder.

A: We attract adults and children who want reading to be a core habit, and self-motivation and direction to be a core value. At the end, it's about finding that one place where you are reading and growing the most. We want everyone to succeed so we work hard to make English Book Ladder the place that you want to be for your maximum learning.

Q: Can I ask for a customized program?

A: Absolutely. We have had, over the years, students who had specific goals, whether academic or social. We also encourage students to come to us as a group, with others who have like-minded goals. Not only does this lower the student’s cost, but it encourages fun interaction and shared learning.